Swayamsebak Training and Peer Support (STEPS) is a committee comprised of up to 6 current volunteers, supported by one member of the VSO Nepal (VSON) logistics support group. Wherever possible, each PAP should be represented on the STEPS committee. The VSON volunteers and program staff are regarded as stakeholders. STEPS is to be regarded as a VSON programme and therefore will ensure that its actions support VSON’s mission, goals & objectives.

The main activities of the STEPS committee are as follows:

In conjunction with the VSON programme office, the co-ordination of an annual volunteer conference/training event, and other peer training events as identified, and subject to resource and time constraints. (Included within the conference will be a formal evaluation of the work of STEPS and the election of the following year’s committee).

The acquisition and purchase of resources and appropriate materials for the resource centre

The administration of a small grant fund to assist volunteers in the purchase, (based upon demonstrable need), of books, CDs or other resources required to assist them in placement.

The facilitation of the mentoring of new volunteers by current volunteers during their period of In-country training.

The facilitation of professional exchange visits between volunteers and partner organization

The encouraging of informal skill-sharing amongst volunteers through the publication of a “volunteer skills inventory”.

The facilitation of the collection and sharing of good practices, policies, tools and systems.

The organisation of an annual charity event to raise funds and enhance the profile and visibility of VSON.


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